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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Only Believe!

One of the only two proper names in the stories of the miracles of Jesus, Jairus was a man well known and a ruler of the synagogue of Caperneum. His very name meant "God enlightens, or that God would arouse or waken". The experience of Jairus in his life would attest the fact, that his very name came to fruition. Jairus, was brought by God into a heart rendering experience of excruciating pain, and grief, in order for Him to be awakened to the supernatural greatness of God! The very foundation of His life and his faith in Jesus was shaken to its very core.

The apple of his eye, Jairus' daughter was very ill and near death. Imagine the desperation that Jairus felt, as he made his way down the road to where he knew to find Jesus. His heart heavy, perhaps tears threatening to spill down his face, he hurried down the road. His feet feeling heavier with each step, his heart full of emotion, yet he still tried to keep the demeanor a leader of the synagogue should. His mind was swirling with thoughts and emotion, but He had faith enough to belief that if He could just get Jesus to come to his house, all would be well.

Yes, even Jairus, a man of great stature, and clout. A leader, a minister at the synagogue... his faith was being tested. He was walking through the fire.

At last he got to where Jesus was, and this high ranking, well to do person, threw himself at the feet of the simply dressed Jesus. Jesus was Jairus' only hope.

Jairus implored Jesus to come to his house. Told him his pitiful story about his only daughter of 12 years, lying there dying in her bed. If you would just come Jesus, I know she would be made well!

Little did He know that Jesus had made Jairus himself to be the apple of his eye just as Jairus had made his little sweetheart his pride and joy. Jesus had his eye on Jairus's situation all the time, and YES, He would be happy to go to Jairus' house.

The Psalmist David said, "Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings!"

It is said that the Saudi King has a custom of setting aside part of his time to hear the requests & problems of the common people. If this is so, how much more would the King of Kings want to sit down with his children and respond to their cries?!

But then something happened! The multitude that had been thronging Jesus now closed in again. Dispair must have crept over Jairus, as his mind began thinking oh no! Now what am I going to do! Jesus will never get there in time! I am sure his heart was about to break, and tears and sobs threatened to well up inside. And then, right before his eyes, he saw Jesus work a miracle with the woman that had the issue of blood. While this is going on all of a sudden Jairus' servant comes running up, panting and out of breath. His face tells all Jairus needs to know. Jairus! Oh Jairus, I am so sorry your daughter is dead. You didn't get back soon enough... it's too late.

How excruciatingly slow God often seems! Waiting on God is one of the hardest things to do! And while we are waiting, often times a messenger or bearer of bad news will come in again to shake our world! If we could only realize that while we are waiting, other miracles are happening! God is doing more than we can see with our naked eye! Jesus told Jairus, Fear not, only believe!

Finally Jesus goes with Jairus... as they approach the house they hear the sounds of the mourners. Wailing, pulling out their hair and beating their chests as was customary in those days. The sounds grieved Jairus, but He had faith to believe Jesus was going to take care of his precious baby girl.

The first thing Jesus did was separated those that believed from those that He knew were either fearful or didn't believe.

Lord help thou our unbelief! In Revelations, the fearful and the unbelieving were the first mentioned to be cast into the lake of fire!

Revelation 21:8
8But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

God help us to believe you for miracles! Help us to believe you for the answers that you are already have worked out! Let us not deviate from our faith and belief that in YOU we have life, and life more abundantly. That it is through YOU we will experience a resurrection in our own lives, situations and problems!

The second thing Jesus did, was tell the people to stop mourning. He saw the situation as it were, not in the way that it appeared.

Peter, James and John were there being trained to have faith beyond the obvious. Faith to speak the word of faith that brings God's will into reality.

There was much laughter of unbelief... but Jesus spoke to the little girl and told her "Child get up!" (Greek intransitive, "to wake up, stir oneself, rise from the dead".

At once she stood up (Greek, parachrema which means immediately). There was an instant resurrection!

When it was His time.. Jesus stepped on the scene and instantly there was a resurrection!

Oh to have the faith and understanding that Jesus is working it all out! We are the apple of HIS eye! And after we come through the trial by fire, there will be a resurrection!

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