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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Miracle in Louisiana and Mississippi!

Wow! What a busy month we have had! Over the last month, the Lord has made a way for us to be at several District Campmeetings. We are so thankful for each of the District Foreign Missions Directors, who were so kind to us during this time. Bro. Carter (TX), Bro. Aguinaga (So TX), Bro. Day (LA), and Bro. Andrus (MS), Foreign Missions Directors, are all doing a fabulous job. We appreciate them for all of their hard work on the part of missionaries such as us.

There was a great move of God in particular at both the Louisiana and Mississippi campmeetings. The people gave to our special projects in Louisiana, and in Mississippi we were able to raise 36 PIM's. We give God all the glory!

That brings it down to just 41,000 in projects that we need to complete the budget. We know that God can surely work another miracle in between now and the end of our scheduled deputation, August 15th. Continue to pray for us, that God would supernaturally provide!

Thank you to each one of you who faithfully give of your time, resources, and talents to the kingdom of God! Surely God is coming soon! Love and appreciate you all!